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Ebook gratis Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

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Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

Ebook gratis Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

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Advances In Surgical Pathology. Lung Cancer

Críticas Doody's Note: Includes access code for web site with additional resources. Description: This is a comprehensive review of the current approach to lung cancer from a pathologist's perspective. Purpose: Pathologists are frequently required to diagnose lung cancer. How they do so, as well as the subsequent testing that minute tissue often requires, is currently subject to modification. Treatment decisions hinge on the accurate typing of carcinoma, and nonsquamous non-small-cell lung carcinomas will often require molecular testing. It also has been proposed that the International Multidisciplinary Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma include a more accurate and standardized terminology for pulmonary adenocarcinomas. To better understand and appropriately tackle all these changes, the authors have designed "a pragmatic tool for study and for practice." Audience: The primary audience is pathologists and pathologists in training who deal with the day-to-day diagnosis of lung cancer or present to fellow clinicians at tumor boards. It also can be used for board examination study. Clearly, this is a good resource from established authorities on the subject, both as a guide for daily practice and as a means to be an informed participant at multidisciplinary conferences. Features: The book deals fairly extensively with the histopathology of the various types of epithelial pulmonary malignancy, spanning carcinoid tumors, and common and unusual primary carcinomas and metastases. There are numerous images and subsections covering morphology, immunohistochemistry, and, importantly, the differential diagnosis. Current and proposed classifications and the clinical relevance of these diagnoses are elaborated. Precursor lesions are described in similar fashion. Issues with the current staging are discussed as well. Molecular derangements, a topic currently at the forefront of pulmonary carcinoma, is dealt with via chapters on their methodology and predictive and prognostic significance. Evolving diagnostic and therapeutic modalities are also briefly touched on. As book deals with epithelial malignancies, it does not discuss benign tumors and nonepithelial malignancies. Assessment: This is an intelligent, current review of lung cancer for practicing pathologists and those in training. It is a handy source to use to keep abreast of all the advances in the field. Reviewer: Rashna Madan, M.B.B.S. University of Kansas Medical Center -- Rashna Madan, M.B.B.S. * Doody's * Doody's Note: Includes access code for web site with additional resources. Description: This is a comprehensive review of the current approach to lung cancer from a pathologist's perspective. Purpose: Pathologists are frequently required to diagnose lung cancer. How they do so, as well as the subsequent testing that minute tissue often requires, is currently subject to modification. Treatment decisions hinge on the accurate typing of carcinoma, and nonsquamous non-small-cell lung carcinomas will often require molecular testing. It also has been proposed that the International Multidisciplinary Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma include a more accurate and standardized terminology for pulmonary adenocarcinomas. To better understand and appropriately tackle all these changes, the authors have designed "a pragmatic tool for study and for practice." Audience: The primary audience is pathologists and pathologists in training who deal with the day-to-day diagnosis of lung cancer or present to fellow clinicians at tumor boards. It also can be used for board examination study. Clearly, this is a good resource from established authorities on the subject, both as a guide for daily practice and as a means to be an informed participant at multidisciplinary conferences. Features: The book deals fairly extensively with the histopathology of the various types of epithelial pulmonary malignancy, spanning carcinoid tumors, and common and unusual primary carcinomas and metastases. There are numerous images and subsections covering morphology, immunohistochemistry, and, importantly, the differential diagnosis. Current and proposed classifications and the clinical relevance of these diagnoses are elaborated. Precursor lesions are described in similar fashion. Issues with the current staging are discussed as well. Molecular derangements, a topic currently at the forefront of pulmonary carcinoma, is dealt with via chapters on their methodology and predictive and prognostic significance. Evolving diagnostic and therapeutic modalities are also briefly touched on. As book deals with epithelial malignancies, it does not discuss benign tumors and nonepithelial malignancies. Assessment: This is an intelligent, current review of lung cancer for practicing pathologists and those in training. It is a handy source to use to keep abreast of all the advances in the field. Reviewer: Rashna Madan, M.B.B.S. University of Kansas Medical Center Reseña del editor Advances in Surgical Pathology: Lung Cancer, a volume in the Advances in Surgical Pathology series, features chapters on current and impending changes in the field of lung cancer that directly affect pathologists. This includes the 2004 updates of the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Lung; the ongoing new classification of neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lung by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer; the ongoing revision of the pathologic and clinical staging of lung cancer by the AJCC; molecular diagnostics in the diagnosis of lung cancer; the role of the pathologist in the new molecular targeted therapies for lung cancer; and the new use of image-guided, multimodality theranostics for the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. Other current topics discussed include new understanding of the premalignant and preinvasive lesions and the controversies and revisions of the diagnosis of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.Tapa dura=1 páginas. Editor=Lippincott Williams And Wilkins; Edición: Har/Psc (10 de agosto de 2017). Colección=Advances in Surgical Pathology. Idioma=Inglés. ISBN-10=1605475912. ISBN-13=978-1605475912. Valoración media de los clientes=Sé el primero en opinar sobre este producto. Clasificación en los más vendidos de AmazonTerapia respiratoriaMedicina respiratoriaMedicina pulmonar y torácica=nº909.060 en Libros (Ver el Top 100 en Libros) .zg_hrsr { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .zg_hrsr_item { margin: 0 0 0 10px; } .zg_hrsr_rank { display: inline-block; width: 80px; text-align: right; } n.° 57 en Libros > Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores > Medicina y ciencias de la salud > Servicios sanitarios afines > n.° 69 en Libros > Ciencias, tecnología y medicina > Medicina > Medicina clínica e interna > n.° 78 en Libros > Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores > Medicina y ciencias de la salud > Medicina > Clínica >.

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